The Medical Society of South Carolina continues to make a meaningful impact on the health of our community through its financial support of an array of community organizations. Dr. Stan Wilson, Grants Committee Chairman and Immediate Past President, reported that the Grants Committee and the MSSC Board of Directors earmarked $234,000 for community non-profits, including:
$134,500 to AED Funding, which provides financial support for the purchase of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
$18,889 to The American Red Cross, which provides disaster relief, lifesaving blood, and health services to communities throughout the US and abroad.
$12,000 to Camp Rise Above, a summer camp designed for children with serious illnesses, disabilities, and challenges.
$17,004 to the CARES Clinic, a medical student-initiated and managed non-profit organization providing free medical care to the underserved, uninsured population in the Charleston area.
$15,000 to the Dee Norton Lowcountry Children’s Center (DNLCC), a safe, child-friendly place for abused children and their families. Primary services include providing immediate support and assistance to children and their families such as forensic interviews, medical examinations and mental health assessments. DNLCC also provides therapy to child victims and their families where appropriate.
$17,250 to the Dream Center Clinic, a faith based, free medical clinic that provides routine, outpatient health and wellness services to the medically underserved residents of North Charleston and Hanahan.
$20,000 to the Logan Rutledge Children’s Foundation, established in 2004 in the loving memory of Logan Rutledge Jennings, the foundation has raised more than $100,000 for programs that promote health and welfare for various children’s charities, including Lowcountry Aquatic Project Swimming (LAPS) a swimming initiative targeted at drown-proofing all K-1st graders in the Charleston area by building a community of swimmers.
Know a local health and wellness-focused organization that needs financial support? Send completed grant application to Edie Blakeslee at the Coastal Community Foundation. For compliance review, please call 843-723-5736 x 121 or email [email protected].