The terms of Brantley D. Thomas, Ph.D., MSSC At-Large Layperson and William B. Ellison, Jr., M.D., MSSC At-Large Physician Director, currently serving on the Roper Saint Francis Healthcare Board of Directors, will expire on June 30, 2013. Both Drs. Thomas and Ellison are ineligible to be re-elected for a consecutive term as they have fulfilled three 3-year terms in service to the Board and Membership.
Therefore, in accordance with the Twelfth Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Medical Society of South Carolina, the membership is requested to submit their recommendations for these Board seats by Tuesday, January 3, 2013. Please mail your recommendations to:
Medical Society of South Carolina
Corporate Office
69-B Barre Street
Charleston, SC 29401
Attention: Mr. John M. Jordan, Jr., Chief Executive Officer
Election Timeline
January 3, 2013 Deadline for Recommendations
February 26, 2013 Quarterly Membership Meeting
The MSSC Board of Directors will make their nominations for the physician At-Large Director seat and the Layperson At-Large Director seat at the Quarterly Business meeting. Dr. Stanley M. Wilson, President, will then open the floor for additional nominations and then the nominations will be closed.
April 9, 2013 Letter with all nominations will be mailed to the membership
April 23, 2013 Quarterly Membership Meeting
Election: one Physician At-Large Director, one Layperson At-Large Director